Saturday, February 12, 2011

Want to try this! Tall Painting...

Via my mom, I watched this amazing video presented by Open Culture. Just watch, and feel your jaw drop slowly.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In love with this...

So this is awesome. Ronel Jordaan is an artist who started making rock cushions and it really took off. It's pretty self- explanatory.

Artist Alastair Heseltine

Sculptor and designer Alastair Heseltine creates breathtaking wooden sculptures and installations. If Earth art is your thing check out this artist as he blends the line of nature and man-made art.

If you like his stuff check out his site at-

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Phan Thu Trang

The life of Phan Thu Trang is a fascinating one. A member of the Vietnam Young Painter Association; this work is timeless. It has a very Impressionistic feel to it. Makes me feel like i'm in a rowboat in fall, seeing the leaves fall beside me. The pieces are so vibrant it's impossible to take your eyes off them.

If you'd like to see more of her work check out

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who wants to live in a tree house with me?

So it's about time I admit that I am completely obsessed with contemporary tree houses. From a fine-art perspective these houses are architecturally brilliant. From an environmental stand-point they do wonders for low-impact living. Most of all they remind me of my childhood; playing in the woods, climbing into my tree house for some alone time. There is something so fanciful about a tree house. These are some of my favorite designs!
Architect Tom Chudleigh makes "Free Spirit Spheres". They are environmentally brilliant, and serene. Check out this video where he takes you on a tour of these spheres.

To find out more about this architect and the spheres check out his site at

The Seattle based group Tree House Workshop takes their structures very seriously and try to make them as practical and beautiful as possible. 

I recommend you all check out their site

Lastly, a friend of mine exposed me to this tree school. Yes, this is an actual educational facility in a tree. Take a look at this amazing story told at the TedX talks-
If you'd like more information on this project check out

Monday, January 10, 2011

$$ Art $$

A show at O.H.W.O.W Gallery premiered tattoo artist Scott Campbell's impressive laser cut money art. He stacks up one dollar bills and uses a laser to shape his work. His work is very thoughtful, so if you like what you see check out his site at

Minimalist Movie Posters

I have been enjoying Minimalist movie posters for a while now, and I am so excited to finally have an oulet to present them. If you aren't familiar with the movement, it is graphic designers and artists who strip down the plots of movies into minimalist posters. The movement is underrated, and really smart.

One of the best in this field is artist Pedro Vidotto. Here are some of his movie posters-

More of my favorites come from an online competition, so I apologize for not having all the artist names. Nontheless, I wanted you all to see these awesome pieces.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Hyper-Realism anyone?

One of my newest obsessions in art is perhaps one of the oldest forms. Sometimes known as Hyper-Realism or Photo-Realism; this art strives to be as aesthetically accurate as possible. It's a fine line between realistic and interesting, and these two artists have perfected that line.
Realist sculptor Jamie Salmon is a god in my eyes. In his own words he wants to,
     "make something that tells a story or moves people in some sort of way, not something that just looks very real...I need my works to have a certain degree of reality about them, but it`s more of a heigtened reality. This is also why I like to play with scale in a lot of my works as well. I think it is something that catches people off guard and forces them to confront their ideas about reality, and to also think about the idea behind the work more deeply."

Check out this genius!

If you wanna see more of his work check out his online gallery at

The second Hyper-Realist artist is the amazing young artist Roberto Bernardi, who devoted his life to photo-realist still-lifes. His work is breathtaking, and YES THESE REALLY ARE PAINTINGS!

If you like what you see make sure to check out his website

The Amazing and Talented Hennie Haworth

I just recently discovered the illustrator Hennie Haworth. One exciting project she is working on she calls The Pen Project. She takes multi-colored pens and arranges them in unique ways to create a random yet graceful composition.  Take a look-

So elegant. If you'd like to check out more of her work take a look at her site-

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Hello all!
Welcome to Double-takeART; your home for interesting contemporary art. Let me start out by introducing myself
  • I am Maisie.
  • I believe art should be fun, interesting, and aesthetically stimulating. 
  • I get sick of art critics with their fancy words and bow ties. 
Now lets talk about the blog!

This blog is not
  • Critique of artists.
  • Heavy art theory (I promise to use the word "postmodernism" as little as possible).
This blog is
  • A place to find interesting artists with a unique voice
  • A fun way to explore the contemporary scene 
  • Less talk, and more art.
So with that said, I hope you find something worthwhile here at